George A. Furrow Jr.
No response
Bobby F. Johnson
Education: High school; Local 162 apprenticeship.
Current employment: Sidney Windustrial
Community involvement: Covington Eagles Aerie 3998; Piqua Fish and Game
Why are you seeking elected office? I feel a lot of residents voices have fallen on deaf ears, especially West Covington residents. I believe I can and will represent every resident, no matter where they live at within the township by giving them the voice they deserve.
Why should voters elect you? Preserving country living is one of my top priorities. I moved my family from out of town so we could enjoy country living. Making sure to stay in communication with the residents about issues going on in the township. Not every resident is able to make it to a meeting, and their opinion should be no less important. Keeping multiple lines of communication open for residents to voice their concerns and opinions is very important.
If elected, what will be your top three priorities? I want Newberry Township to have some form of social media, so more residents can be aware and informed of what’s going in their neighborhood. Make communicating with trustees easier. Try to complete more township projects using local business.
What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? Assign a township employee/employees the task of using and updating a Newberry Township social media page. With a social media presence, communicating with residents will be easier and more efficient. Institute a rule that at least one quote for projects come from local business.
Anything else you would like voters to know? I’m happily married to my wife and best friend, a proud father of three amazing and beautiful children, and so happy to to be surrounded with some of the best neighbors anyone could ask for in West Covington.
Mike Maniaci
Education: High school diploma
Current Employment: Retired
Community Involvement: The last four years trustee for Newberry Township, also previously on the Miami County zoning board
Why are you seeking elected office? It’s been an honor to serve the public in Newberry Township as a trustee, also finishing what we started four years ago restoring the mausoleum in Highland Cemetery.
Why should voters elect you? I had lived in Newberry Township for the past 47 years, helping run the family farms. My strength is working retail with the public the last 43 years. I have learned to listen to people, address their needs and deliver on them. My leadership, dependability and sincerity shows my neighbors that I want to represent them as a Newberry Township trustee.
If elected, what will be your top three priorities? We want to make sure that our books are balanced and every dime is accounted for; also that our roads are well-maintained, and the cemeteries are mowed and trim; finish restoring the mausoleum.
What specific plans do you have to address those top priorities? Being fiscal responsible with our funds and trying to get grants to restore the mausoleum.
Anything else? Please re-elect Mike Maniaci for Newberry Township trustee. Thank you.